Outside the V&A, Saturday 24/4/10
It's been non stop this week, since I got back from London. I went up to see the V&A Quilt exhibition, which is excellent and would recommend it to anyone who has a keen interest in Quilts or related Textiles.
I've been writing invitations and flyers for the Open Studio event that is being held during the week May 29th - 6th June. Getting all the necessary information down in a relatively small space is quite a challenge. I'm nearly there!
The website's nearly up and running and i'm really excited to see this go live later on in the week, all fingers and toes crossed!
My new range of cards are at the printers being proofed. It's a key moment to see how they have turned out. The designs look so different once they've been translated into the card format. It's a slightly new departure for me as they are all square designs rather than the usual 6 x 4 inch format that I have favoured up until now. Watch this space.